Rondo Library Mondays, 1:45 to 3:45

Rondo Library Mondays, 1:45 to 3:45

Rondo Library Mondays, 1:45 to 3:45

July 8, 2024.

Update on Rondo. This is a great bunch of sewing friends! Some are skilled and able to sew on their own and others need a little learning and still others are brand new to sewing. Thank you all for coming! 

I continue to support and teach at Rondo on Mondays from 1:30 to 3:45 p.m. Join us and sew and learn with us.

March 27, 2024

Hello friends! it has been too long and a lot has happened!

we have a couple of new members at Rondo Library Sewing Group on Mondays. Michael is a champ! He arrives early, arranges tables and electrical cords so that we can all just come in and sew.

And, guess what? Michael found an old sewing machine on the curb and decided he could not pass it up. So, he brought it to class and i made an assessment. it needed a new belt and a new bobbin "donut." Do not know technical term, but it is the little rubber circle thingy that pressess against the hand wheel to wind the bobbin. The machine purs! Michael has decided to donate it to our cause.

Many sewing people - one is making several dresses for this summer as well as matching outfit for her betrothed. another one is sewing with a serger; folks seem to like the serger. I do too!

Another sewing person continue to work on her swim suits to have more coverage - i get it - i need more coverage as well!

Tabatha continues to work on projects to sell as well as blankets for friends. She's a trooper. 

We have a new sewing person who is fabulous! I love her presence.

That's about it for updates. I continue to provide guidance and hope about sewing and learning.



January 26, 2024

Greetings! We've been at sewing group at Rondo for about four weeks and have been joined by several new people wanting to learn to sew. I'm so excited!

This past Monday i brought in one of my sergers: Linda is altering a bathing suit with lycra and a serger is a must! She got really excited about learning the serger, as well did other group members. 

Michael and I campaigning for a locked cabinet to store our items in between sewing group. If that happens I will bring a serger to leave there, along with several cones of thread in different colors.

Stay posted!


December 20, 2023

Greetings readers! This past Monday was a super sewing day at Rondo! My friend Julie joined us, then Sarah returned and although not having sewn too much in the past, eagerly sat down at a sewing machine; i gave her a quick lesson and she was off and sewing! Linden continues sewing her dress and guess what!? She made covered buttons with snow flakes! Now, isn't that creative. With the same snow flake fabric, she trimmed the edges of the dress. She is so creative! And, of course, we cannot forget to mention Michael! He is working diligently on two robes - they are fabulous and cozy; one for him and for his friend. Then, fresh from North Carolina, Linda returned with questions about a garment she is sewing. And, she is quite chuffed about a hat she sewed for her grand daughter. Grand daughter loved it! Of course, she did, Linda!

A special shout out to Kerri and Rondo Library for having a space for us to sew in. This room is very well lit,; one side of the room is all windows so we get a lot off natural light.

Thank you, thank you, for all who came this past Monday. You made my day pretty special.

FYI: Christmas and New Year's Day land on a Monday this year so we won't be back at the library until January 8, then we have another Monday off for MLK Day on the 15th. 

I hope you all are well! Happy Sewing,



Wow! I am so excited about this new volunteer opportunity! I love being retired and love encouraging people in their sewing journey.

I visited Rondo Library two days ago on Monday and met one of the Librarians, Kari, and three people who come to sew. It seems we all have a passion for sewing and learning. 

So, next Monday, December 4, 2023 I begin assisting sew-ists and their efforts to sew! One likes to upcycle clothing, another is making and dress, and yet another likes making robes. All are great crafters and I look forward to being with them on Mondays.

Check us out!

p.s. we will also do some service work - Kari already asked if we could make bags. It seems some of the library bags are taken to fill up with books - so, we can make a few for the library to hand out!

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