Initial Blog

Initial Blog

Initial Blog

July 21, 2024

Greetings Sew We Work friends. I've reached a cross roads and have been thinking about how to proceed. As you may know I am teaching sewing at Rondo Library in St Paul - all levels and am up to 13 students. This is like a one-room school house!

This is not working for students or me as I am running from person to person with each student having to wait for my assistance or guidance. Students come wanting to learn to make dresses and have no sewing machine skill, others have their own projects and just need a little support.

So, this is what I'm thinking. Several classes are needed here - learn the sewing machine with simple projects, move onto learning how to read a pattern, then drawing a pattern from ready-made garments, etc, and on to increase sewing skills.

This will take several classes and people-power. Anyone have ideas on how to do this? I want to continue in the context of teaching people in the margins so they can learn to sew and possibly earn income.

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Greetings sewing lovers!

I have recently partnered with Amazon in becoming what is called an "Influencer." Good grief - I never in my life thought i would influence anyone - and yet, here we are.

In this partnership, I have set up a few sewing essential tools that you might find helpful in your sewing journey. None of them are expensive, although perhaps might enhance your sewing experience.

My url for amazon business is this:

if you purchase from this url, i do receive a small commission which will support Sew We Work and its mission to bring sewing education to disadvantaged persons.

Be blessed, be well,


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